
Crime Increase In Atlanta

  Atlanta Constitution Dec 4, 1911

Why Crimes

  Atlanta Constitution Dec 3, 1911  

Negroes Know More Than They Tell

  Atlanta Constitution Nov 23, 1911

Ripper's Sixteenth Victim

 December 8, 1911

Bud Wise Arrested

  Atlanta Georgian and the News November 24, 1911 Atlanta Georgian and Atlanta Constitution , Nov 27, 1911 Atlanta Georgian Nov 29, 1911

Henry Huff Innocence

 Atlanta Georgian Nov 29,1911   Atlanta Georgian, November 30, 1911

Mary Putnam Inquest and Suspects

  The first two articles are from the Atlanta Journal, dated Nov 22, 1911, the other is from The Atlanta Georgian

Ripper 15th Victim

 Poor Mary Putnam was horribly murdered. From the November 21st edition of the Atlanta Journal  The Atlanta Georgian also published an article on this murder. The article goes into graphic details of this horrific murder. The Georgian's account differs a bit from the Journal in that it states that two young boys saw a trail of blood and notified their mother who discovered the body, whereas the Journal states that the young boys saw a trail of blood and discovered the body. Atlanta Constitution Nov 22, 1911 Atlanta Constitution Nov 23, 1911 August Herald Nov 22, 1911

Ripper Fourteenth Victim

 From the Atlanta Journal,  and  Atlanta Georgian and the News, dated November 11, 1911. From the Atlanta Constitution Nov12, 1911

Ripper's thirteenth Victim

  These two articles are from the Atlanta Georgian and Atlanta Constitution dated October 23, 1911. Later on, Eva Florence would offer a reward for the apprehension of her slayer as related by the Georgian the following day.

Ripper's Twelfth Victim.

 On Oct 18, 1911  the Atlanta Constitution mentioned the horrible case of Ellen Maddox who was ambushed on her way home from work  She been badly beaten and was in a comatose state. 

Judge Andy's Busy court

  From the Atlanta Georgian dated Sept 4, 1911. The article mentions another Grand Jury that was summoned to investigate the Ripper murders.

Rippers Eleventh Victim

 After the release of Ripper Suspect Todd Henderson, newspapers reported on the discovery of the body of another Ripper victim. The following articles are from the Atlanta Georgian and the Atlanta Constitution respectively.

Georgia's First Serial Killer/Atlanta's Black Jack The Ripper Pt 1 1909-...


Todd Henderson Released

 Atlanta Journal and Atlanta Georgian, August 30, 1911